C hemung, Feb.5th 1819 This day I am 21 years old. Sept. 1st. this summer I worked for father as usual, this fall I went to the lakes and worked 2 months and then went to work for Cousin Israel Parshall, in Spring Water, Ontario Co., N. Y. I helped him some in building his grist mill. I returned home the last of December. I was all most determined on a mill somewhere as it had been my studdy, some years. The next spring I made a choice of a cite on the south side of the Chemung River and bought one acre of Betsy Warren, May 13th, 1820 for which I aggreed to give thirty dollars. This summer I worked for father. Father and me was to build the mill together and when we should get it paid for, one half was mine. In the fall, we got out the lumber and in the winter we drawd it.
April 1821 This spring, AmziParshall went southard. This spring and summer I worked for father and in the fall we laid the foundation of the mill and raisd it, the next spring we covered it and one run of country stone arunning in July. This fall was very dry and done quite a good deal of business. The next summer 1823 we put in 1 run more to country stone. I have tended mill mostly alone ever since the mill went. In April 13th. 1825 I was married to Seraphina Luther. This summer I had a house and store-house put up. In the winter we got in our house. In the fall of 1827, I had my barn build. In 1828, I bought 551/2 acres of land in PA. In the summer of 1828, I was taken sick--my blood was stagnated and for want of a phisitcian that understood my case, my arms wasdrawd up and useless. In 1828, I had a severe turn of which left me quite decriped and broke down, this was the first sickness I ever had of any account, which was caused no doubt by working too hard in the mill night and day. In 1829 I could not do much but see to business. In the spring of 1830, I cut my ankle and in a few days I was taken sick again and had a severe spell of sickness. Got as well as usual by harvest. I being sick so much and doctor bills to pay and the mill poorly tended and out of order, I could hardly make my income meet my demands. Father is building his brick house and afflicted with sore eyes, didn't see or feel willing to repare the mill as was necessary. I in the fall went to Genesee to see if I could find a cituation, providing I could sell. In Dec. I proposed to Father that I would sell my part to him, or I would buy his half of the mill, for as it now was it was no profit to neighter. Isaac and Saraphina was baptised Sunday, 4th of October 1829 in the Chemung River N. Y.
1830 This winter, I bought Father's rite in the mill for which I agreed to pay him 700 dollars. I borrowed some money and got timber for repareing the mill. In the summer 1831 I built an addition to the mill of 20 by 35 feet and put one run of Burr stones 4 1/2 feet for wich I paid 200 dollars for and made a considerable repares cost in all, 1500 dollars for repares. My mill wright work I done and the mill done good business and in the fall 1832 bought another run of Burr stones. In 1833 the first day of March, George Luther arrived in Chemung to live with me, he was in his 10th year. This summer I got my 3 run of mill stones. In May 1834, I bought 2 acres of land of Betsy Warren, for which I paid her 50 dollors. This summer I built my woodhouse and done some repareing to my mill. This year I received $1000 besides what we eat and fed.
1835 This spring I bought an ark with William Snell and I put in 528 bushels of wheat and we went down to the river and sold for 97 cents per bushel. This summer I built a carriage house. This season I paid the most of my debts. This year my mill fetched me in 13 or 1400 dollors. Does good business and grain is a good price
1836-1837 Samuel Beidelman, died April 16, 1836, 85 years. Jeremiah Casoday, died Feb. 14th, 1837
1839 Deacon Andros died. LespaParshall Miss Courtis Grandmother Keeney Grandfather Keeney
1844 Melvin Griswold died May 1 Daniel Griswold's wife died May 2
1845 Daniel Griswold died Jan 29 Amelia Price, Feb. 24, aged 8 Phebe Webber, March 6, aged 47
1846 Jan. Caturah Brown May 9, Orlando Snell Lathrop Griswold, Died Oct. 23 Alvira Andrus Died Nov. 2 Daniel Andrus died Nov. 3
1847 Stella Parshall, Feb. 4 - age 41
1848-1859 AsaParshall, Mar 23, age 78 -- Text, Isaah, 3-10,7,11 verses Leah Smith, April 13, 1848, age 50 Margaret Davison, August 25, 1848 Phebe Lamb, wife of elder Lamb, Dec 26, 1848 Martha Townley, Sept. 10, 1849 John I. Rice, Jan 7, 1850 Polly, wife of Wm. Griswold, Jan. 1850
Jeremiah Casoday, Feb. 1, 1850 Mary Ann, second wife of AmziParshall, Oct. 2, age 43 George Mapes, Nov. 7, 1851 Dr. F. Near, Nov. 16, 1851 Mary Davidson, June 1852 Wm. Smith, Dec. 20, 1852 Edward Secor, Aug. 14, 1853, age 25 Reuben Griswold, Dec. 17, 1853
Nancy Griswold, wife of Geor. Jan 29th, 1855 Polly Roberts Curdy, Sept. 29, 1856 Celesta Parshall, May 21, 1857 Dea. Dillis Dexter, July 23 Inflammation of the brain, crazy an out of his head, had his sences but little of the time, eat but little which he was sick. Roena Luther died, June 10, 1858. Enoch Luther died June 15, 1859.
Saturday, April 25th, 1835 This morning it began to snow and snowd four inches deep on the river flats and back on the hills it fell 7 or 8 inches deep. It was the deepest snow we had the past winter. This snow went mostly off and on Monday the 27th. evening, it began to rain and in the morning the snow was 4 inches deep and it snowd till noon hard and then misted. This snow was 2 inches deep on the river and in many places back, it fell 18 inches deep. The wether turned warm and the snow went off verryfast which, made plenty of water. The river was within 3 feet of the mill floor. Nelson Roberts and Susanna started for Michigan May 6th, 1835. Thomas Parshall and family went a few days before. This summer is wet and cold, grain is scarce and high Wheat is between one dollar and 12 shillings per bushel. Corn was sold by some as high as one dollar. Harvest came in verry late, not but a little cut before August.
August 5th., 1835 Some frost. August 22nd. we have had a week of wet, bad wether for geting grain and hay. Some grain growing in the scout. Wheat and rye is coming in light. September 1st. I set out in the company of Henry Roberts for Michigan. Went to Cassidy's corners, 50 miles, 2nd day we got to Ransom's and 3rd. we went to AmziParshall's on the Genesee River. Left there the 4th day for Buffalo, past through Perry and Perry Center, went on west and down an uncommon long and steep hill to Warsaw Village, a pleasant place and mills. Went on up hill and down another long hill to Davisburg, it looks rather rusty. This village is on Tontewanty Creek. Up hills and down and on to Wale Hollow on Buffalo Creek, went on through Univora, quite a lengthy village, went on and soon found ourselves in the Indian settlement and night coming on and we had 6 miles to go before we could stay over night. Saw several Indians and squaws and past several Indian houses and staid at tavern kept by a white man, 6 miles this side of Buffalo. Came 55 miles this day. Went into Buffalo the next morning and took passage on the steam-boat Michigan for Detroit, about 9 o'clock, the 5th day from home. The wind was against us and the lake was quite ruf and we was both some sea sick. Got to Detroit in 36 hours from Buffalo on Sunday night, 6th. of September. In the morning we looked about some before breakfast, then went to Thomas Comefor's, staid all night with him. In the morning, we steamed west to Nelson's and Luther's. We got there on Tuesday night, the 8th day from home. In a few minutes Israel Parshall come in from Thomases and we spent the 9th. and 10th days looking about Luther's. We like the country verry well about Luther's. The 11th day, we started for Thomas Parshall's, found a level and good road but quite crooked and as we went, I guess it is all of twenty miles from Luther's to Thomases. We found them some sick. Saturday the 12th, we went over on Oar Creek, 3 or 4 miles, found some very good mill cites. We saw some deer and in the afternoon it raind and we returned home at night, hungary, wet and cold. Sunday we staid at Thomases. Monday the 14th, we went over to Oar Creek again. Tuesday the 15, Henry Roberts, Israel and I started for the county cite of Livingston. We went 1 1/2 miles and Israel killed a deer, went on N. west and saw a wild cat. Israel shot it but it got away, we went on and crossed a small mill stream by the name of Bogashering, continued N.W. to the Siwasse, found it a stagnated stream in a great meadow 6 or 8 miles long, 1/2 miles wide. There is no house from Thomases to the Shiwasse, we took up the river, saw several deer and Israel wounded another. We got belated and in a strange land and night come on and by chance we heard a bell at quite a distance, and then by the barking of a dog, we went through tammenrack swamps, at a late hour we arrived at a house where we was kinkly treated and well pleased was we. We got our supper and breakfast. The 16th we went to the county cite, they had the first house raisd, it was quite a large frame. We looked about some and then took the turnpike and went east to Luther's. This night staid 1 day with him and Nelson this was the 17th.
September 18th, 1835 This morning, I started for home. Left Henry at Nelson's to meet me at Detroit, steared south through Salem, staid all night at Bradner's in Plimoth. The 19th, this day, went through North and South Nankin, on some business. Staid all night 12 miles from Detroit. Sunday the 20th, went to a Roman Catholick meeting at Detroit. This morning at 9 o'clock, went in the land office and bought me 180 acres of land, 80 for Father, 40 for Mr. Beidelman. Looked about some and at 2 o'clock started for Drake McDowell's, went 13 mi. staid all night, the 22 went on through Ypsilanti, a pleasant place, 30 miles west of Detroit, on Huron River. Got to Drake's at 2 o'clock, found them in good health. The 23rd. day, went to Ann Arbor it is the county cite of Washtenaw County, on Huron River, which affords excelant mill privileges and there is an excelant flowering mill on it. I about went for Detroit, went 20 miles and staid all night. The 24th day, went into Detroit the next morning, looked about this afternood and at nite Henry come and the next morning, 25th of Sept, we took passage on the Steamboat Genneral Porter for Buffalo at 9 o'clock. We had a verry pleasant time on the lake and got to Buffalo at 10 o'clock the second nite or Saturday the 26th. The 27th riged up our horse and waggeon and went on through Batavia and staid all the night the 28th in Rochester, the 29th in Pittsford, went through Palmyra, staid all night at Oakses. The 30th, this morning past through Geneva and I was taken unwell and grew worse. Got home 2nd day of Oct. 1835. My sickness was as I supposed a bad cold but a feaver sat in and I had severe sickness. I was confined to the house 5 weeks and it was 3 weeks more before I could do much. I got as well as usual by New Years and heavyer than I ever was. Dec. Guy Warren died.October was a very pleasant month. About the 25th of November, it snowed so it was quite good sleighing, got mostly off and on the 7th of January 1836, it began to snow and it snowd Friday, and Saturday and Sunday night itstopt and the snow was between 2 1/2 and 3 feet deep and it drifted and it was a serious job to shovel and make roads, and by the time the roads got broke, it snowed 12 inces more and was severe cold till Feb. 13th, it thawed a little and it snowd some and turned verry cold and continued cold.
March 14th This day is a little moderate but the ice is in the river yet and is sollid and good crossing with teams, on the ice. This winter has been the coldest and severst winter I ever saw and the most ice in the river. The rift is froze so they cross on the ice with teams and have almost all winter.
March 26th The river is quite low and the ice is getting rather soft, but I think it would bare a teem. It is getting rather poor sleighing all though the snow is 1 1/2 to 3 feet deep yet and we have not had any snowfall in a month, the wether is verry cold, we have not had a warm day.
March 29th The wether is geting warm and the river is riseing and the ice is melting out without an ice frest. The river will be clear of ice the 30th but the snow is 2 or 3 feet deep yet, in the woods, but is off in spots and getting from the sleding.
April 11 We have had a few warm days and a little rain an it has raisd the river bank full, it is 8 inches in the mill floor. The snow is mostly off on the river. The 13th, the river has fell 7 or 8 feet, this forenoon it has snowed 6 inches and this afternoon it rains.
April 25th This day I started for Michigan in the company with Israel Parshall and Jacob Snell. We landed in Detoit the 2nd day of May, got to Luther Parshall's the 4th day and found them all well. Went to Thomas Parshall's the 5th day of May, staid in that part of the country 5 days, then started for home. Went to Ann Arbor, bought 59 1/2 acres of land of William Chapman for which I paid 300 dollars. I then went to Detroit calculating to get 60 acres more, but could not on account of my having bought 240 lots befor. I staid one day and started for Buffalo on the Steam boat Michigan and got home on the 19th day of May A.D. 1836. This spring has been verry dry til the last of May, it raind every day for 14 days and made quite high water. June 21st had heavy rains and the river is high, in 1 foot of the mill floor. It has injourd grass along the river and the corn looks poor. July 1st., corn is not more than half of it hoed yet the last time. August 1st, just commenced harvesting, it comes in light, the wether continues wet and cold. August the 29th and first of September, there was a severe frost which destroied the buckwheat and corn verry much and in a short time grain of all kinds was dear, wheat 10 and 12 shillings per bushell, corn 6 and 8 shillings and other grain in proportion.
May 1st Some old snow yet in many places.
August 15th About this time I sold my grist mill to John G. McDowell for 3000 dolars and on the 10th of Sept. I gave him possession and man packed up our things and got started for Michigan, on Thurs. the 22nd of Sept. and we got to Buffalo on the 27th and got part of our things on the Thomas Jefferson and was so crowded we had to leave our horses and part of our things to come on the Sandusky, the next morning. And she broke her crank near Erie and our horses and things were taken off and waite to get a passage on other boat and did not get to Detroit until Monday, the 3rd. of October. We got to Detroit 4 days, first and was obliged to wait for them. We stored most of our things at Detroit. We loaded a few things and started the road was wonderful muddy and bad. We got on our own place on Oar Creek 10th of October. We then hired 3 teams to go to Detroit for our goods. It was uncommon muddy and it took 7 days to perform the 50 miles and carry 8 or 10 hundred. It cost us to get to Buffalo 60 dollars and 60 to Detroit and 100 dollars to get our things to Oar Creek, making 220 dollars for us. As soon as we got our things we put up a small frame house and got in it the 31st of October. The 14th of Nov. we commenced digging a tail race for my grist mill, provision is very high, wheat 1.25 to 1.50 cents, corn 1.00, oats 50 cents and everything proportion and it is costly doing much business. This winter there was no sleighing til the midle of Dec. about 5 or 6 inches more, and it is as good sleighing as I ever saw. January 25th. we commenced getting out mill timber. It is fine wether but the snow rather deep for drawing.
Sunday, Feb. 5, 1837 This day I am 39 years of age it is a moderate day as we have had in six weeks. We have been to a Baptist meeting at Mr. Webber's, this day April 5th. This winter has been cold but pleasant with fine sleighing.
May 10th This spring is cold and backward. I have got me a shop put up 18 by 36. Nelson and Sussana Roberts went or started with their son Isaac for Chemung, N. Y. and returened the 7th. of July. I had the lower part of my mill raised July 22nd. andraisd the upper part August the 10th, 1837. Everything has been verry high, port $25, flower 11 in Detroit, oats 1.25 cents per bushel, sows 35 and 40 dollars a piece. I have had costly time build my mill, so far it has cost me out in cash about 1800 dollars for expences and building.
December 1st, 1837 I have not got my mill agoing yet. Grain is high, wheat 10 and 12 shillings, corn one dollar.
January 1838 The mill started this day to grind corn and chop some
February 8th We got the bolt to go by water, we bolted 150 bushels of wheat by hand. I have more to grind than I expected. March is the finest and warmest March I ever seen. April is rather cold and backward. I have not done much to my mill this spring but have got a barn raisd.
July 1 This day Nelson and Susanna his wife was baptised in North Oar Creek. The 4th of July, we had a temperance address in William Smith's barn. I have been disapionted in geting my money from New York State and as a consequence have not my mill fixed before harvest. July 24th, ground some new wheat. We have had a warm growing season and summer crops looks good. Wheat is generally good. In Aug. I went to Chemung and got my money for J. G. McDowell.
September 1838 Found our friends well. On my return, I bought in Buffalo, a run of mill stones, screen bolt, turning lathe, side saddle, got my things home safe. This fall was verry sickly with fever and ague, my family was sick but myself I did not get much done my mill this fall but repared and put in gering to the run. I had so it done good business. John Roberts come in here with his family in Oct. Put him up a store and live in part of it. I bargained 10 acres of my south 30 to John Roberts. We have had a little sleighing in Dec. and Jan. The 1st of Feb. the snow all went off. Since it has been quite mild and no snow. Last fall Edward Davidson went to Chemung and did not return. Nelson Roberts has helped tend mill some this winter.
March 10th, 1839 This morning as I was combing my horse, he started back and took pole out of the fence that he was tied to and catched me between the pole and rope and drew me a rod against a trough and bruised me some and broke one of my ribs. I got well in 3 weeks. George Luther left home Sunday 21st day of April and left Hartland, April 23rd for his Father's.
April 1 I was taken sick and my mill all had to stop. This season was verrysickley. I was sick 10 weeks, caused by bad doctoring.
September 11th., 1839 This day Seraphina started for Chemung in company with Elizabeth Griswold, they left me sick. They had a pleasant journey and found their friends generally well. They returned safe and well.
October 17th Found me gaining but quite miserable.
November the 1st I began to do some chores.
January 1st I am quite smart and work some at my mill. This winter so far is mild and some sleighing.
Feb 10th. The snow is nearly all gone off, the wether is verry warm. Wheat is low 62 1/1/3 to 70.
March The wether is verry warm for the season and some plowing done.
April 1st We have had some snow squalls and a week of cooler wether. Charles Thayer come to live with me March 1st. Edward Davidson started for home, June 13th.
July 4th 1840 We had a temperance address by Elder Post in the afternoon, a church meeting.
July 5th This day 10 were baptised by Elder Lamb, we had several other baptised the 2nd. day of August. Six more was baptised and among them was Elizabeth Casoday. Seraphina was taken sick the last of July and had the fever and ague all summer and fall by spells. This season was not quite so sickley as last year. Ransom and Amzi were here in June This season I had a sawmill put up and partly finished. I sent to York State and got a smut machine and got it in operation soon after harvest, it got business. This winter (Jan, 1841) I had 4 pine logs drawd from Laper, 44 miles, wich sawed in my mill for building me a house. Henry W. Roberts and family went to Chemung the last of August. We got our house partly finished this fall and moved in it the first of Dec. 1841.
January 1st. 1842 The day so warm, no snow or sleighing yet, quite mild.
March This winter has been uncommon mild and but verry little snow, some flurries but not enough to make any sleighing, not even to get wood Lake Erie was open nearly all winter.
Steam boats run through to Buffalo. Grain is plenty, wheat 75, corn 25, flower in Detroit 4.12 1/2.
March 31st Dr. Near got the appointment for P.M. I have been Post Master 4 years and 8 mos. when he took it. May was a verry dry, whet and grass suffered. the last of May I went to Rochester and Amzi's, got home the 1st of June, sold some flower in Detroit for 4.75, since I sold for 5.20. I bought me another run of mill stones in Buffalo, this season I put in a new pattern water wheel. Enoch Luther come here about the 10th of June and began to work for me the 20th. The 11th and 12th of June, we had a severe frost which destroyed nearly all the corn and injoured the wheat and wheat was struck with rust and srunk and verry poor, not more than a third of a crop, and the price of wheat low, 50 cents and this country verry much in debt and nothing to pay with.
Feb 5th This day I was 45 years old. This winter we have had fine sleighing 2 months. This winter Hiram Luther is boarding here and going to school.
March 18, 1843 The weather is cold and good sleighing, the cattle starving for want of hay or grain to eat. We have had 4 months of severe wether and most good sleighing I ever knew.
March 20th Enoch Luther left here Saturday April 1st. the past cold with one foot more snow the snow is now 2 and 3 feet deep and roads but little broke and little traveled. It now begins to thaw a little days, but cold nights. The wether continued warm days and cold nights and the snow went off without rain but high water, there was some snow on the groung April 21st. on April 22nd it rained. This summer was short, but good corn wheat verry good this fall it is worth 50 cents, flower in Detroit 3.37 1/2.
1843 This year put up my barn shed and put in a new patent water wheel for my smut mashine. I had 2 brakes in my dam this season. E. Davidson tends mill this year.
Nov. 1st This day it snowd 3 inches deep, we have had a wet fall with bad roads. We have plenty of flowering and business in the mill. I have sold 200 dollars worth of flower.
January 1st.; 1844 We have had 3 weeks of warm and muddy. Jan 9th it is now froze up and I. Parshall has gone to Detroit.
Feb. 10th I have 3 or 4 loads of flower and 1 load of pork, all by waggeons, not having any snow, I went once to Flint on verry poor sleighing. About the 10th of Feb. the little snow all went off and roads past being traveled, it being warm til the midle of March. From then it was some colder with flurrys of snow.
April 1st I have been confined to my house for 2 weeks past with a severe cold, I did not get to do but little in 5 weeks.
May 1st. 1844 This spring things are the forwardest, I ever remember of seeing,.The clover is 3 or 4 inches high and the white oaks are quite green. Cattle could have got their living out, the midle of April.
May 10th We have had it wet and muddy for 2 weeks past. May Smith's mill dam went off and took off mine and washed under the mill and filled the race with gravel, at least 200 dollars damage. I built the dam adjoining the mill with hewn timber, 30 feet, I built an addition to my mill, got the 3rd run of stones going and put in a merchent bolt, got it going Sept. 15th. It all worked well and done good business. The wheat crop come in rather light and shrunk the price of wheat this fall is from 50 to 75 cents a bushel. H. W. Roberts started for Chemung Sept., 23rd. Elizabeth Casoday left us the same day. Wm Vance worked here this summer, 3 months.
January 31st. 1845 This winter has been quite moderate and without any snow, but some rain.
Feb. 23rd. The wether is warm and the groung settled in places.
March 20th. This day the sun crossed the line with verry cold N wind, the past few days has been verry cold with 2 inches of snow. April is warm and vegitationverry forward about as last spring, but wheat is larger than I have ever seen at this season of the year and bids fare for a good crop. The 7th and 8th of May there are some frosts the 16th of May. This season was frosty and fruit scarce. Wheat was injured in some places by the frost, but the wheat crop was verry good and the most wheat ever raised in Michigan. I and Seraphina went for a visit East, the 20th of May and returned the last of June and found our friends generally well. On my return home bought 40 acres of land below me. This season I raised nearly 400 bushels of wheat.
September 10th. I have sowed 30 acres with wheat this fall. About the midle of Sept. I sold one half of my mill to Israel and he moved down here and the first of Oct., I gave him possession and we built a house for him to live in for awhile. Flower in Detroit, this fall, commenced at 3.25 and rose gradually and about the close 4.75. This fall we dug a race on the west side of the creek, which cost us about 100 dollars. Jesse Parshall was here with us this winter.
January 1846- We have had 4 weeks tolerable sleighing, with about 4 inches snow and now it is bare ground.
February 1st It is snowing some again, we now have some sleighing -- now again, which lasted 3 weeks.
March 2nd and 3rd The snow went off. I went to Detroit with a sled and mostly bare ground to come home on. This day was cloudy and the Eclypse we could not see. Jesse Parshall started for Chemung last Monday, the 20th of April. This month is warm and growing wheat is forward and looks well. Flower and wheat is lo, flower in Detroit 4.00.
April 28 I have raisd this day a wood house and Blacksmith Shop.
May 1st. 1846 The season is early and wet and vegitation looks promising and wheat on the ground looks good.
May 9th It continues verry wet and not much sowd or planted yet. Isreal Griswold come here April 29 and bought the Curtis place above mine and sold same to me and moved back the last of July. Harvest was midling, wheat a little shrunk, but large crop. The summer is dry and hot. I built a blacksmith shop this summer and Mathew Brock dug and finished our lower tail race, Sept. 16. Cost about 90 dollars in all., so far. In Aug. Susanna Roberts and Margaret Davison went to Chemung and Louisa and Asa Parshall came to Michigan with them and they started back the 17th of Oct.1846. This fall has been quite sickley, I was sick with the fever 4 or 5 weeks. We have had it warm and wet this fall and verry bad roads.
November 25th It snowed about 1 inch deep for the first this fall and was cold, the thermom. down to 12 degrees. Made my garden June 1846
December 25th Rainy and warm.
January 1st. 1847 Warm and rainy, with some flakes of snow. Jan. 6th, in the evening it snowd 6 inches deep. Friday the 8th, is the coldest this season, down to 8 degrees below.
Feb. 1847 One foot of snow with good sleighing.
Feb. 23rd and 24th Thermometer below zero with fine sleighing.
March 16th. Rather poor sleighing but cold, thermometer 6. May wheat is winter kiled and looks poor. I have made up my mind to sell the other half of my grist mill. I have been engaged in the business 25 years, am tired of being confined and working hard and hope I can make a living without milling, but perhaps not get rich so fast, for milling business is good at present, but the mill being out of order or wanting a new water wheel and some other reparing, we went to work and made a first rate water wheel and done other repares to the value of 600 dollars. I worked hard all summer and got it arunning, Friday noon, August 20th, 1847 and went to the house sick and was confined to the bed and house over 2 weeks. and the 5th week I went to Detroit and was sick or not well while gone.
September 26, 1847 The next day after I got home, I was taken and had the doctor and was as sick as I was before, and as long or longer, making in all 9 weeks, I was sick and not able to do anything. Israel went to Chemung Sept, 14th and Henry Roberts returned with him in October. A few days before I was taken sick, I made a verbal bargain for one half my flowering mill, for 2600 dollars, 500 dollars down, if he would make me secure for the remainder, which he aggreed to do or said if he could not make me ample secur, he did not want it. He further said he had some obligations, he would like to let me have and in a few days he showed me some and said I might take as few or as many as I pleased. So I examined them and did not find any that I thought woild answer my purpose, but told him if he would bet 100 dollars endorsed, on a mortage, he had against John Roberts, I would take that and he said he would as John Roberts was owing that amount, but instead of getting 100 dollars endorsed, he only got 50 dollars endorse, which I could not accept, but when we came to draw the writing, I was very sick and he denied most of the bargain and insisted on my taking two mortagages against John Roberts, which I told him I could not take. I not being able to contend for my right, he and Whipple made writings verry different from our bargain, and I lost on the mortgages and when I made out the deed, he insisted on not rectifying it, as it should have been to be honest.
January 22 We have had 4 weeks of sleighing then come a thaw
January 29 2 inches of snow, I was sick 5 or 6 weeks with a cold. Lemira started for Chemung, May 1849. Amzi and his lady paid us a visit, July. Clark Carmen and Gleson Youngs worked for me this summer. My wheat was midling, 400 bushels. Sowd 26 acres of wheat this fall. Commenced the 12th and finished the 25th.
July 4th 1848 H. W. and Isaac Roberts was married. This summer I had my shop and waggeon houses built, my wheat is not one third of a crop. This summer we took a journey to Lansing and Jackson, was in the State Prison, and the 4th of August we started for N.Y. by way of S.D. McDowell's and Ypsilanti to Detroit and have a verry good time down the lake. We went to Niagaria Falls and saw the Suspension Bridge, which they had just began to pass over it. We left the 2nd day by way of Lockport and then took a packet to Utica, staid all night and took the cars to Albany and a steam boat to New York, we went over the Brookland and at the United States navey yard and went to Cony Islands, ten miles down the ocean for the first time and perhaps the last time. We come by the way of the New York and Erie Railroad line, the most of the way. By stage, night and day which made me sick. We landed in Chemung and found our friends well, generally. My youngest sister Lemira come to Michigan with us. We was gone 7 weeks from home. It was sickley here while we was gone and Edwin's Davison's wife died and several children. Our hired men got sick and my wheat was not all sowd when we got home which made late sowing. This winter I have done most of my chores.
1849 Isaac D. Soper come here Sept 28 and left for PA, June 1850. Dec. this fall has been warm and no snow yet. Jesse Parshall come to Michigan and bought a farm of 98 acres of Ira Parshall, paid him 500 dollars for it. G. N. and A. Roberts got their grist mill agoing December 20th. I helped them on their mill 25 days. This fall was fine wether for business, wether moderate and no snow yet, December 25th.
January 1st. 1850 Two inches of snow fell, thermom. -- is 16. No sleighing this winter and mild. April was cold and backward.
May 17th Verry windy and cold, backward season.
May 21st Frosts, thermon 24. May and June verry dry, the wheat oats and grass poor. Ransom and wife and Richard Inscho and wife made us a visit, the 1st of June. Wheat come in better then we expected, an average crop, worth 62 1/2 cents. This fall I have sowed 45 acres of wheat. This fall has been quite sickley. I was not able to work for two months or more. Seraphina had 3 fits of the ague. Gleson Youngs worked for me this summer, 7 months for 100 dollars, a big price. This fall John to Elmira. This fall I bought Israel's half of the saw mill for 200 dollars. The last of Dec. and first of Jan. 1851 good sleighing for 3 weeks, then mud and rain.
1851 and 1852 March verry mild, some plowing done, coldest 20.
April 10th Windy and cool. Eliphet Luther and family, 11 in number, come here. April 17th 1851 from Missouri
May 1st Cold and squalls of snow. June cool and wet. Mother Parshall paid us a visit in May and returned in June.
May 2nd The mill dam went off, cost me 75 dollars to put in the bulk head and make the dam. And I put in the floor to the sawmill anew, which cost me 75 dollars more. Wheat generally is good, I raided 600 bushels.
Sept 2nd I have been sick or not well for 3 weeks. Elipohet Luther and family left Hartland for Bradford Co. P.A. November 12th 1851
February 5th 1852 This day I am 54 years old and at preasent enjoying good health. This winter has been verry unsteady, verry cold and then warm and but little sleighing.
March 3rd 6 inches of snow.
May 1st Cold and backward for the season
May 24th This day myself and wife and Seraphina Luther and Susanna Roberts started for Chemung and Pennsylvania on a visit, found our folks generally well. Henry Snell died while we was in Chemung. We returned home by Genesee
June 26th Found earth dried and grass and meadows not half a crop and wheat injured some, but a good buy. I had 500 bushels of wheat this year worth 75 cents.
October This fall I put up the addition to my sawmill. Gleason Youngs left Dec 25th. I was taken sick.
Dec 18th was sick 3 weeks
1853, January 1st No snow yet but fine wether. This winter has been quite mild and but verry little snow. I was taken sick again the 14th of Mar. and was sick 3 weeks. Milton Hodge worked for me this winter, was a poor hand.
June 1st We have had a wet spring and backward.
June 3rd Ransom Parshall and wife and daughter come to visit us.
July 20 verry dry. Wheat is midling good. I had about 450 bushels of wheat, it is worth this fall, one dollar a bushel. This summer we have been verry busy, building our meeting house and have neglected my other business. Frederick Griswold worked for me the past summer, 9 months for 100 dollars. Jacob Ulch worked this fall and winter for 10 dollars a month, Grain is high. Wheat 1.25, corn 75 cents.
1854 We have had verry good sleighing through January but with little snow. I went to the pinery 3 times with sleigh.
Jan. 24th Elder Chase staid and held a protracted meeting, 5 weeks, which resulted in the conversion of a large number of our neighbors, who with us was made to rejoice in the mercy of God and added to the Church.
March 20th Cold and clear with some sleighing.
April 25th Fine wether after a hard winter.
May 9th Seraphina Parshall left Hartland for Chemung, N.Y. and returned the midle of June. Isaac D. Soper come here the last of June and was married August 27th 1855. This season wheat was worth 2.00 dollars per bushel. Fredrick worked this summer at 18.00 per month.
March 18th Warm, roads settled and quite good.
March 20th Clear and pleasant.
April 14th 4 inches of snow
April 18th Cold and backward. Frederick Griswold worked for me this summer, 16 per month. We have had a verry dry season, poor corn, wheat some midling good, 1.50 per bushel.
Sept. 25th sowed 23 acres of wheat this season. This season, I worked the most of my time on the meeting house. I and Mathew Brock done the most of the carpenter work and all the steeple. I done the highest part of the work and put on the tin ruff. We got it finished the 20th of January 1855, it cost over 2000 dollars.
August 1st 1855 We have had 2 weeks of rainy wether and all the wheat growd in the field and verry poor and nearly all in the fields and about half standing and growd yet and all grown more or less.
Augest 27th Isaac D. Soper was married to Sharlott Stewart.
Augest 24th J. G. McDowell and wife come for a visit, which we was verry pleased to receive from them. Seraphina Luther and John Roberts started from Chemung.
Sept. 24th returned Nov. 3rd and Elder Grenell and wife come with them and staid with us and visited 2 weeks. Benjamin Davidson went to Elmira with his Grandfather. November 16 1855.
November 12th The mill dam went all off, caused by the gloing off of the dam, did not get to do much til March 20th. Sleighing, 6 inches snow. Christmas and cold.
1856 Jan 1st New Year's day, more snow and fine sleighing.
Feb 28th Asa Parshall come here for a visit, in company with Rosanna Griswold and left here Mar. 11th.
April 24th Serphina Luther was married.
May 1st Fine growing wether, after a hard winter Israel Parshall sold and left Hartland for Chesaning, May about the 12th. This summer is cold and verry dry and hard frost, the last of Aug. Wheat midling good.
October 10th Mrs. Soper and Charles Knap and wife come here for a visit, left for home on the 20th.
1857 January 1st Quite good sleighing for a past month.
Feb 1st Good sleighing for 2 monts past and verry cold.
Feb 5th This day I am 59 years old ... getting quite warm.
May 1st We've had a backward cold spring, after a cold winter. Coarse grain, high corn, 1 dollar, wheat 1.25 per bushel. I have sold off one half my land to H. W. and William and John Roberts and I. E. Thayer. This spring I had my wind mill put up. We have had a verry wet and rather cold summer, but verry good grain crops.
October Mr. Barney and lady from Elmira made us a visit. E. Luther and family comd here from P.A.
1858 November I was sick with neuralgia in my face. What follows was written by another. Last of Nov. that which Bro. P. took to be neuralgia proved to be a disease of the throat, which affected the head by sympathy. He still grows worse, treated by Dr. VanSickles.
Dec Not yet confined to his bed but suffers much from pain in the head and throat. Dr. Nixon called, thinks he can be cured.
Dec. 30th His throat broke on the inside, discharges much, disease much the same but getting weaker constantly, Dr. N. still thinks he may be cured. Confined to his bed most of the time.
January Still gets worse. Suffers much. Friends are alarmed and think his recovery doubtful. The Dr. says the case is critial. The last of January, much worse. Dr. Pickering has been called, thinks that he may recover but has done little, the practice of Dr. N. mainly continued. He has made his will and attended to some other items of business. Says that he is resigned and willing to depart.
February 14th During the last two weeks, has declined fast and suffered much from pain in the throat and difficulty in swallowing, but in possession of his faculities, seems perfectly resigned. This morning a blood vessel broke in his throat, thought to be dying, has several spells of bleeding and choking. Connot survive long.
February 21, 1858 Last Monday he was quite stupid all day from the loss of blood. Tues. he rallied a little but cannot see nor hear but little, mind wanders. Wed. He did not know his friends, appeared to be in much pain but not conscious of suffering. Thurs. Much as the day before but apeared to recover his sight and hearing. Had very bad spells. Fri. was quite rational, talked some but very low. Sat. Still rational, but had chills, followed by fever. Thought to be dying, once or twice during the day. This morning could just breathe, evidently in a dying condition, continued to decline all day and at 15 minutes before 7 o'clock P.M. departed his life without a tr strugle or groan. Sun. His remains was deposited in their last resting place, on the 24th day of Feb. 1858. A discourse by the pastor was preached on the occassion from Proverbs 14, 32 "The righteous hath hope in his death."
1858 Seraphina Parshall, this summer Frank Parshall lives with me. We are alone, ain't adoing anything on my farm this season only gather my wheat.
Oct I went to Chemung, gone 4 months, came back in February. Kept house, some visits come and got along anyhow til spring, then I commenced housekeeping alone, had company nights, staid alone daytimes til May then went to Saginaw, on a visit, found friends all well. Staid 4 weeks, returned by Israel Parshall's found them all well, went to Nelson Roberts, left them all well. Returned home the 5th of July My brother died while I was gone, he died the 25th of June at 10 o'clock p.m. after an illness of just 5 weeks, crazy, part of the time. Began to keep house again Miss Dubois stays with me. Ain't adoin much on my farm this summer, it is quite frosty, a frost every month this year so far. Wheat good, corn por, potatoes not verry good, buckwheat good, Sat up all night last night with a sick child. Today peeled some apples for drying wrote 4 letters to my friends and got 2. Sunday went to a funeral. Monday went to Fentonville, waggon wheel come off, nobody hirt put a rail under the waggon and road holm safe that night. Was taken sick with foul stomach, was sick 4 days, began to feel better.
copyright © 2008, Emma Winegarner All Rights Reserved.